This week, Dianne and Abby talk about breastfeeding No-No’s, and why they aren’t true. Don’t fall into the No-No trap! Listen to this episode and become empowered!
066 Breastfeeding Fears
This week, Dianne and Abby talk about 7 specific fears that breastfeeding women have identified. This list comes from Amy Spangler, from her website Are yours on the list?
Newborn Behaviors – Mini-Podcast 004
This week, listen to the Mini-Podcast as Dianne talks about newborn behaviors!!
Ten Things to do with Breast Milk – Mini-Podcast 003
Listen as Abby gives you her top-ten alternative ways to use your breast milk.
Position and Latch – Mini Podcast 002
The Weekly Letdown is a weekly report on Dianne and I’s favorite topics – nursing positions and latch!
Nursing Covers – Mini-Podcast 001
The Weekly Letdown is a weekly report on Dianne and I’s favorite topics!
061 How To Pump At Work
“Hey honey, did you start pumping milk for our little guy yet? You’re going back to work soon, and I […]
060 Breastfeeding and Sex Drive
This week on the Badass Breastfeeding Podcast, Dianne and Abby talk about what happens to your sex drive once you have a baby. Will you ever see it again? Is your libido MIA? Check out the podcast this week to learn more about what’s really going on.
057 Cavities
This week, Dianne and Abby face off with the myth about breastfeeding and night feeds causing cavities. Have you ever heard this myth? Tune in for the facts.
053 Losing Your Shit
This week, Abby and Dianne talk about losing your shit, and how it is likely to happen, if it hasn’t already. Join the rest of us as we discover that this is something that many mothers experience, and you are not the only one.